31 Mar 2015

Turn Your College Computer Lab into Super Download Station......

Friends downloading movies , games etc has always been a cumbersome , frustrating and difficult job . Even if u have a free internet connection such as lan in hostel u don't want to keep ur comp or laps to be on for whole night. Instead i have a better trick for u people . U must have observed that ur college labs contains many comps which r slow and boring .... but that doesnt mean that internet connection in labs is also slow as comps infact it is opposite . Thus we have large no of slow comps with unutilized hi power internet connection . Now with this trick u can make these comps into powererfull download stations which use unutilized bandwith to download movies and other things.

Now for any easy and sucessfull large download u shouldh have have a download manager but u couldn't install one in ur comp lab as u dont admin rights plus u have also chance of being caught as lab admin will come to know about installed sw if ur able to install one .... The solution of above problem is to use a portable download manager which doesn't require intallation and also remains hidden while downloading so that u dont get caught and also u can go away freely after starting download and come in evening or tommorow to get the downloaded movies in pendrive...

To get such download manager (clickhere)

either exract in pendrive in ur home computer and then place in lab comp OR directly download in lab comp and then extarct in anywhere in lab computer.

note put the extracted folder somewhere in c drive in inside system32 folder ony any other folder so that no body could easily see it and c: drive ought have a lot of free space in lab comps..

now u need download links for movies and other things for this use search engine http://gappon.com/ here u can get rapidshare , mediafire any many other links...

I suggest u for mediafire as u can download unlimited , without wating any seconds , resume facility is there ,and no wating after one part download ..... it is the best free service available.

to hide wacket download manager go to file- prefrences-display and uncheck "show in system tray" only check " show in taskbar " hide all other things also. Also go to file- prefrences-integeration and check only "use hot key" option .

now ur ready

put the download links in browser and press enter u even get a option to download file just right click and copy the link location and put them in wackget download manger after u have put all the parts of movie etc then just press "windows" button and "w" button as they r hot keys the download manger will get hidden AND now ur job is done go away and back after few hours or when u have u get all the files downloade for u without even anybody knowing about it......

NOTE- Donot integrate the download manager with iexp otherwise after u r gone anybody else's download will also be automatically get downloaded with ur download manager so u could get caught......

U have ur movie just put all the parts in pendrive use winrar u extact them and join to form a full mmivie etc and just enjoy..............

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